Using Mid-Year Resets Can Be The Secret To Finally Achieving Your New Year’s Goals

An image of a sign noting Happy New Years on a wood fence with green florals

It’s the New Year and like most people I am excited about refreshing myself and my surroundings.

We all start the New Year by making resolutions or goals. Maybe you are the type of person who hates to do that and just carries on with everything status quo, but this year you want to try something different.

If you’ve read my other blog posts, you know that I am very goal-oriented. With that, every year I try to reset myself throughout the year at very specific times. I call this habit, Square One using a trick of mid-year resets to keep me on track. 

A photo of a macbook with colorful post it notes goals on the screen

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

January 1st is obviously a time of renewal and reset. There’s a lot going on right now and we all try to hit the ground running. With that, it’s very important to do a Spring refresh during the last week of March. Of all of the checkpoints I set, I find the Spring one in March is the most beneficial and I hope you will join me this year in doing so.

This is a type of Spring cleaning for yourself, your processes, your body and health. While it is very important to focus on these crucial areas throughout the year, March is a really good time to reflect on your New Year’s goals. We’re only slightly into the year and there is certainly plenty of time to make adjustments.

I try to do the same type of renewal on Memorial Day as it’s the unofficial beginning of summer. I reset again on Labor Day weekend which is the beginning of the school-fall season. With this I find focusing on my goals is easy and obtainable.

An image of a person writing out a list of goals

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Goals, Goals, and New Year's Goals

As we start out this year, I have written out ten New Year’s goals that I would like to achieve for the year. That’s pretty typical for me. Some are big goals, some are financial goals, there are obviously a few travel goals, and I always include a few very easy goals that I know I will achieve.

Some say that small or simple goals aren’t really worth the time, but for me I find even the simplest of achievements is it refreshing “attaboy”, and we all need those throughout life.

The feeling of hope in the New Year is one that many people get excited about. That’s why we all set resolutions and goals. We think that we have a New Year and everything will be different. Different to some people may mean getting rid of old habits. But different can also mean something new and exciting that has never happened before.

Unfortunately, we can’t always achieve new things if we are bogged down in the minutia of our daily grind. That is why goals and decluttering are so vitally important.

Plan Some Travel – Finally!

I have a few friends and followers who have shared with me that they are anxious to travel this year. I am as well! 

The pandemic is coming to an end and most travel has resumed back to pre-pandemic status. Though we all still need to be careful while traveling, it is exciting to book a flight or a cruise to some exotic getaway, especially after having been so repressed over the last few years.

An aerial view of Paris at night

We may not all have the time to get away for a long and exotic vacation every year. Remember that planning a weekend getaway with friends can be wonderfully relaxing. A trip to the mountains, or the desert if you enjoy being in the heat, is an easy way to pamper yourself and relax for just a few days. I lived in a cold climate for years and always enjoyed a quick three or four day trip to a warmer climate just to thaw out. It can be quick, cheap, and cheerful. So plan it now!

Decluttering with Feng Shui

Along with refreshing yourself and your goals, it’s important to remember to continue to purge and clear away any excess around you. Practicing Feng Shui reminds us that clarity comes from decluttering.

  1. Set aside one afternoon a week to go through some standing piles.
  2. Remember that all corners of your spaces should be clear of clutter.
  3. Dust, vacuum, and clean often.
  4. Add a fresh coat of paint to your walls – it’s an easy way to refresh an outdated space!
An image of Scrabble letters spelling out Keep Things Simple Goals

I encourage you to download my reset worksheet which is filled with reminders and simple check boxes that allow you to reset yourself throughout the year. I have used this technique for over a decade and it works seamlessly.

As always, I have high hopes for the New Year. Gun-shy as we all are from the pandemic, this year will be better! As the eternal optimist, I’m willing it to be. Stay tuned for my upcoming blog post on manifesting!

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