About Me
Ellen Phillips Allied ASID


I have been designing interiors for as long as I can remember. As one of those kids who always wanted to be an interior decorator, I started my career while still in college in Southern California designing model homes for multiple firms in Orange County and Los Angeles.  

As we moved into the 21st century. I headed over to the east side of the Rocky Moutains and enjoyed some fresh air. I continued designing interiors for new home buyers and expanded into residential design while starting my own company specializing in model home merchandising.

Since the pandemic, I have relocated again, but this time to “the other west coast” settling in sunny Southwest Florida! 

I love to travel and explore new exciting places. Follow my blog for updates on what I am doing and the new places I’m experiencing.

Sun Sign | Capricorn

Ascendant | Aquarius

Moon | Pisces

Some Fun Facts About Me


I enjoy reading histories, biographies, and historical fiction.


While I fail at a lot of things, parallel parking isn’t one of them. 


I am deathly afraid of spiders. Just seeing one crawl across the floor can make me dry heave on the spot…. Seriously.


I have literally have lost count of the number of times I have been to England.

Union Jack Flag


I have degrees in Interior Design & Business. I hold Allied ASID certification & have worked in the interior design field for my entire career. 


Benjamin Franklin is my hero. I am a typical Type-A Benhead. Yes, I’ve read his autobiography (See #1)


I’m very spiritual and feel a strong connection to the universe. When the world around me gets too crazy I default to the teachings of Buddhism for guidance, with a bit of astrology on the side. 


One of my favorite pieces of music is the Allegro from Bach’s Third Brandenburg Concerto.


Tradition is very important to me. I love the UK for all of its traditions and I follow all of the European monarchies like most people follow Hollywood celebrities. (see #4)

Cartoon Crown


I once thought I was going to die in the mosh pit at a Green Day concert.


I don’t drink coffee. To get myself going in the morning I typically down 16 ounces of water. 


I believe ‘Annie’s Song‘ is the best love song ever written. 


Organization is an essential part of my life. I have a place for everything and everything is in its place. The clothes in my closet are organized according to color, as are my shoes. I make my bed and tidy the house daily. I can’t be surrounded by clutter and mess. It makes me crazy. (See #6)


I prefer Rembrandt to Renoir, Coke to Pepsi, The Beatles to The Stones, lobster to steak, heels to flats, football to basketball, Keaton to Chaplin, Riesling to Chardonnay, and Hugh Grant to Hugh Jackman. But that’s just me.

a cartoon image of the Beatles


As a result of being married to a Trekkie, I have seen just about every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation including all of the movies, most on opening night in the theaters. (Wasn’t the episode about the Typhon Expanse great?!) I have to draw the line at the Shatner TV series, though. That’s just too campy for me.


I cry very easily. As a result, I’m extremely dependable when it comes to crying at weddings. I once went with my ex-boyfriend to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding and wept uncontrollably through the whole ceremony. It didn’t matter that I had never met her before that day. I attribute this to the whole Moon in Pisces thing. (See #7)

And Finally...

Myers-Briggs: I S F J

Committed and steady in meeting their obligations
Concerned with how others feel
Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home

courtesy of myersbriggs.org

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